What membership in Klickitat Democrats helps make possible:

  • Support candidates for local, state, and federal office races, including fundraising, phone banking, signage, etc.

  • Organize candidate debates for both local and statewide offices. Past debates have showcased candidates for PUD Commissioner, County Sheriff, and US Congress.

  • Organize and host Precinct Caucuses and County Conventions.

  • Coordinate efforts to communicate with the public about candidates and issues representing the Democratic Party. Efforts include: hosting our website, managing an email network, Letters to the Editor, press releases, advertisements, and posters.

  • Create and update county platforms, including issue related resolutions.

  • Conduct monthly general membership meetings.

  • Host regular public non-partisan forums on topics of local importance. Past topics have included health care, energy, housing, and oil trains, among others.

  • Participate in local events and festivals to open lines of communication with county voters. Some events include The Klickitat County Fair, Springfest, Huckleberry Festival, and 4th of July.

  • Coordinate and manage our local Party’s affairs: including creating budgets, balancing books, managing membership data, recording minutes, and planning agendas,

Membership dues are $25.00 per calendar year. Dues and donations support your local Klickitat County Democratic Committee. Our master emailing list always remains private.

There are three ways to become a dues paying member:

  • Join as a dues paying member on our secure website with your $25 contribution.

  • Or attend a meeting

Need Help?  Email us at demsklick@gmail.com.

Your political contribution is NOT tax-deductible as
a charitable contribution for Federal income tax purposes.